The Traffic Light In Your Datacenter

How This One Simple Yet Very Important Concept Helped Me Understand What Windows Server Failover Clustering Is All About

You know how it feels like to stare at this for a very long time (I ended up having to wear eyeglasses because of it.) Better yet, try it. Just for 5 minutes straight without blinking.


But staring at a computer monitor for a long time isn’t the real issue. It’s the confusion of trying to understand what those TechNet and MSDN articles are trying to convey. Too much jargon. Overwhelming tech-speak. Ugh! I feel like my head is slowly being crushed by a giant vise grip just by thinking about it.

It took me years to really understand how Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) works. Even longer to find a very simple analogy to explain how it works without making you pull your hairs out (I don’t have to worry about that anymore, if you know what I mean.) As I was going thru a traffic intersection one day, I saw something. What’s weird is that it felt like I was seeing it for the first time. But it’s been there all along.  And I felt like it was making me stare at it longer than I should have. Good thing I wasn’t driving.

The simplicity of the traffic light and what it conveys is what got me hooked into finding more illustrations to communicate complex ideas. If you understand how the traffic light works, you are on your way to mastering how WSFC works.

Question: What other illustrations or metaphors do you use to simplify communication of a complex idea? Share them on the Comments section.

Feeling helpless and confused when dealing with Windows Server Failover Clustering  (WSFC) for your SQL Server databases?

You’re not alone. I’ve heard the same thing from thousands of SQL Server administrators throughout my entire career. These are just a few of them.

“How do I properly size the server, storage, network and all the AD settings which we do not have any control over?”

“I don’t quite understand how the Windows portion of the cluster operates and interacts with what SQL controls.”

“I’m unfamiliar with multi-site clustering.”

Our servers are setup and configured by our parent company, so we don’t really get much experience with setting up Failover Clusters.

If you feel the same way, then, this course is for you. It’s a simple and easy-to-understand way for you to learn and master how Windows Server Failover Clusters can keep your SQL Server databases highly available. Be confident in designing, building and managing SQL Server databases running on Windows Server Failover Clusters.

But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what my students have to say about the course.

“The techniques presented were very valuable, and used them the following week when I was paged on an issue.”

“Thanks again for giving me confidence and teaching all this stuff about failover clusters.”

“I’m so gladdddddd that I took this course!!”

“Now I got better knowledge to setup the Windows FC ENVIRONMENT (DC) for SQL Server FCI and AlwaysON.”

NOTE: Registration for my online course Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) for the Smart SQL Server DBA will re-open in January 2018. But be sure you do not miss out. This will be the last time that the course will be offered. After this, you will no longer be able to register for the course.


Get notified about the next batch of enrollment so you don’t miss out.

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