The Paradox of a Great Idea
“That’s a great idea.” “That’s an amazing idea.” “That’s a wonderful idea.” You can think of a dozen variation of these statements. You’ve heard them before. You may have even said them yourself. I grew up thinking that we need to have a ton of ideas. It’s the main reason I read a lot, listen […]
Upcoming Virtual Training Class: SQL Server Always On Availability Groups: The Senior DBA’s Field Guide
In partnership with Brent Ozar (Twitter | blog). The idea behind this partnership started last year when Brent was kind enough to spend one Saturday morning with me over breakfast at the Bar Siena Restaurant in Chicago. I have been thinking about launching my online course – Windows Server Failover Clustering for the Smart SQL Server […]
Last call for registration
I teach about failover clustering for SQL Server – whether it’s Failover Clustered Instances or Availability Groups. Failover clustering does not have to be confusing nor complicated. It just has to work. And when things we are responsible for don’t work, we get the blame. There’s a reason behind the running joke about the Default […]
Finding The Best Teacher
I used to photocopy physics laboratory reports. This was before I had access to a personal computer and the internet. The fastest way to answer questions in a physics laboratory report was to copy someone else’s. No thinking, only reacting. I made it thru my senior year in high school with a high score in physics […]