An Underrated Feature: Cluster Shared Volumes (CSVs) with SQL Server Failover Clustered Instances

In a previous blog post, I talked about the benefits of using cluster shared volumes (CSVs) for your SQL Server 2014 and higher failover clustered instances (FCIs). It’s also interesting how SQL Server Microsoft Certified Master and Microsoft MVP Argenis Fernandez (blog | Twitter) responded to a Twitter post I shared about the blog post […]

SQL Server Professionals Shouldn’t Hate The Word “SALES”

There’s a reason why you’re a SQL Server professional – you love working with data. You signed up for a job that looks at SQL Server databases, optimize queries, build servers and create business intelligence (BI) solutions. Fixing corrupted data pages and making queries run from 10 minutes to a few seconds get you really excited. […]

How Your Data Looks Like On Disk with Dynamic Data Masking and Always Encrypted in SQL Server 2016

Since the introduction of the new security features in SQL Server 2016, one of the most common question I get asked is around the performance impacts of these new features. Whenever someone asks a question about security in relation to performance, I tell them how someone would secure their house or any valuable items: A house is like […]

How My Visits to the Hospital Helped Me Become a Better SQL Server DBA

My personal calendar for the past few weeks have been filled with visits to hospitals, clinics and other medical professionals after what happened to my wife last March. Growing up, I hated visits to hospitals. It’s probably because of all the medications I have had to take to treat primary complex. Show me a syringe used for […]