How To Recruit and Hire A Rockstar DBA

If you’re a database administrator (DBA) reading this blog post, you might be thinking, “why would I find my replacement?” Instead of asking that question, why not, “how can I find an excellent assistant so I can finally take that long awaited vacation?” If you’re a manager or in a leadership position, you can refer to these […]

How To Convince Your Boss (or Customer) To Re-Evaluate Your HA/DR Solution

Have you ever had a conversation with your boss (or customer, if you’re a consultant) that went something like this: (true conversation between a DBA and his boss) In most cases, unless you are really gifted with the art of persuasion, the conversation may fall flat on your face because no amount of technical proof […]

Dealing With the Myth of Work-Life Balance for the IT Professional

I’d be honest. I was a bit emotional as I was preparing my presentation for the PASS Professional Development Virtual Chapter. If you’ve seen some of my presentations, you’ll know that I love telling stories to get the message across. But for this presentation, the story really hits home as I’m reminded of a friend […]